Sunday, March 30, 2008

Lucy's Throwback Overalls

I think these are just so cute. I had a pair just like them when I was a little one. Aunt Allison came to visit and brought Lucy her new PHILLY sun hat. We are excited she and Mike may be our new neighbors. We can swap Lucy and Basie every now and then, so we can see what it's like to have a well-behaved Golden Retriever and they can see what it's like to have a wild 5-month-old :)


Anonymous said...

I love it. Man she's getting prettier and prettier everyday. I love those overalls. I need to get Max a pair too... You should find a pair of overalls yourself and match Lucy. I almost bought the most ridiculous plaid shorts at Old Navy because they had the exact same pattern for Max... but Daniela knocked some sense into me.

Kris said...

The overalls are sooo cute!