Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Ride

Here is Lucy on her new ride! She seems to like it. I just hope it's not made of some evil made in China plastic but I'll keep an eye out on the recall list! I also let her play with the spatula and stock pot. We joke that this is daddy's favorite kitchen utensil because he uses it for everything he makes in the kitchen. So as you can infer he's not in there making four course meals:)

Friday, May 30, 2008


Lucy makes a point of getting over anything you put in her path. She looks so much like Jud in the 2nd pic!!

Cousin Sulley/First Swing Ride

Lucy had her first ride in the playground swing. So tiny, it's crazy! She also met her cousin Sulley for the first time! Sulley is 5 weeks old.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Table 1, Lucy 0

Every time I used to see kids with bumps, bruises and cuts on their faces I would think, "What kind of parent does that kid have??! My kid will look flawless and perfect every day like the cover of Parents!" And now I am one of them! Lucy is going to look like a battle scarred monkey before long with her new mobility. See cut above lip. Granny already suggested the "baby no bumps" cushioned helmet. NOO!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Now that Lucy is pulling up, she seems to fall down at least once every 5 minutes. Had a pretty traumatic fall into the kitchen cabinets that only exacerbated the need for her afternoon nap! I also tried to sneak some pureed organic chicken into her sweet potatoes for lunch but that went over like a lead balloon!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

On 2 Feet

Lucy can now pull herself up to standing in the crib and all over the house. It takes seconds for her to get up!

Lake Pics

Didn't take too many. Lucy with Mum Mum in mouth and giving Betsy the Heisman, her fave move. PS those are nausea bracelets on Betsy who's 16 weeks prego :)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Lake Weekend

We've been at Baba and Grandad's lake house for the weekend with Betsy and Ryan and having a great time! Lucy even slept till 7:30 on Sunday morning. It was like a gift from God!! Will post new pics when we get back to Arlington tonight. OH, and 2 hours after we posted the crib kneeling pictures, she figured out how to stand up in the crib!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Mommy Rescue Me!

I knew it wouldn't be long...but now this is what she's doing when I go in to get her from naptime!! I'll let you know if I find paint chips in her diaper. I guess all babies chew the crib???

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Baby Mum Mum

Lucy tried these this week for the first time. Some genius in Taiwan figured out how to mark up rice cakes and sell them to hyper-hypo moms at Whole Foods. When you are in there, you might as well expect to spend upwards of $50 for one small bag of food. She sort of slobbers all over them and they dissolve. They have about 8 calories for one so can't imagine these will help her pack on the lbs. She likes to mash them in her hands and wipe the mush all over her tray! It was a momentous day because she ate three "meals," avocado+apples for breakfast, squash for lunch (and a mum mum) and an entire container of carrots for dinner. YEAH! She loves avocado. It figures since they are the most expensive veggie (but at least they are fattening!)

Morning Yoga

As I was cleaning up the kitchen this morning, I set Lucy down on her mat of toys. I turned around to find her in downward facing dog. In other news, I think Ellie has been telepathically teaching her the "weasel" cry, a shrill sound usually made by nocturnal furry animals. She went after it for about 30 minutes fighting her morning nap before I finally rescued her for a walk to the car shop to have my light fixed. Finally.....she's snoozing:)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lucy Ali

Here's Lucy in her new robe from Granny.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Special Nap

After lunch, I put Lucy down for what turned into only a 30-minute nap. She woke up to Granny and was NOT happy. Led to almost an hour of carrying on, and when I returned from my errands, I took her up to bed with me, a tactic I sometimes use when she won't nap on her own in the crib. She loves the land of 600-thread count sheets and fluffy down pillows. I'm sure I'm breaking many rules having her in there with me, but it's a great way for us both to get a few zzzz's. New moms and moms-to-be......learn how to nurse lying down. It's so special and you can sleep while doing it!

Lunch with the Ladies

We are meeting Tara and Adelyn for lunch in Shirlington. Thankfully the sun has come out and Lucy went down for her AM nap. Granny Judi is on her way so she can wrestle with Lucy so I can actually eat in peace!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dad's Helper

Lucy rode in the Bjorn while Jud put our new table and benches together for the back porch. She kept wanting to put the wrench in her mouth. Guess it was shiny like a spoon! I estimate we will sit at the table 3 times before the mosquitos invade and we never go out again.

Off to a Good Start

Lucy had a 1 am blowout that required a middle of the night bath and new crib sheets. Thank god Jud had to handle that one. Now she woke at 5:15 and has decided to chew on my 'puter cord again and read US weekly.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Lucy Platter

If you remember waaaay back when Lucy was born, Jud liked to make a Lucy platter. Here she is at a week old and almost 7 months. Also, this outfit went right into the washer and Lucy into the tub as there was apple-licious turds all the way up the back of it. YUUUUCCKK!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Busy Thursday!

We had pilates this morning and Lucy was her usual self..all over the place! Before class she ate an entire jar of pears with rice cereal! Yeah!! We then had lunch with Pap Sheriff who is in town for a banking conference. Ate at BLT downtown and I'm pretty sure Lucy was the only 6 month old in there. Ever. For her lunch she moved on to apples. I think she's sick of carrots now. Tried the sippy cup now that we've located the one sans harmful chemicals. She didn't quite get it.....:) Oh, and the coffee table is history. Now that it takes her 5 seconds to squirm from her blanket to me in the chair, her favorite thing to do is come to my chair and put the laptop cord in her mouth. Great Lucy! She just almost pulled herself up onto the ottoman. I can't believe this child!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Trader Lucy

Lucy was helpful at Trader Joe's today. Not really. This whole being mobile thing is a whole new world. Lucy propels herself into the coffee table legs at least once a day. It's not pretty! I put her in the Pack n Play so I could make dinner and she HATED it. So much for fencing her in. She loves to stand on her tippy toes. Working those Allen calves from an early age!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spring Outing

Lucy and I went to the Sculpture Gardens, the National Gallery of Art and then Teaism for lunch. I knew the stars were aligned....70 degrees and sunny, parking space right on 7th/Const. with a broken meter and Lucy awake the entire journey! She loves running water and the fountains were a big hit. Teaism brought back memories of me dressed in a cute spring suit with heels enjoying lunch with a co-worker. But there I was, in New Balance, J. Crew capris and a shirt with spit up on it:) Who says you can't push a stroller in heels, right?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fun with Carrots

We tried carrots today and they were a hit! Also, she re-tried rice cereal mixed with a nice scoop of Enfamil water and that went down much better than w/plain water. It is still as appealing as wallpaper paste, but we are making progress, albeit slowly, in the food department. She seems to like the "orange" veggies but can anyone tell me how to get the NASTY orange stains off her little Nuby spoons?? They seem to come off her clothes and bibs.

Rainy Monday

It is still raining! We are ready for the sun to come out. Lucy is in her cute spring outfit in spite of the nasty cold rain. Daddy got her dressed today! She just woke from a 2.5 hour morning nap. WOW!! She also slept from 7:30pm till 4:50 am, then back asleep till 7:15. We are on a roll, friends...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Worm

We had a fun Mother's day weekend. Lucy is good at doing the breakdancing move "The Worm" as seen in photo three. I tried to capture the action. She can move across the room using her legs as a propeller. And yes, that is how far her legs are in the air from her own strength! She Wormed her way right into the table leg and rocking chair this weekend. I think we will soon be investing in some kind of ottoman with no sharp edges.

Happy Mother's Day!

To all the moms, thank you for your tireless efforts to care for an nurture your babies little and big! We love all our moms and grammys!!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Mall Buddy

Since it was raining today, Lucy and I went to Landmark Mall where they have an indoor play gym. This was after a morning visit to the gym for a 30-minute mom and baby/kid yoga class that kept her attention for a few moments! As soon as we sat down on the mat at the mall, a 4 year old Ethiopian boy darted toward Lucy. He was enamored with her and it was just so cute. She played with his yellow car and grabbed at his curly black hair. Re: photo, Lucy is obsessed with my pink toenails. I wiggle my toes and she grabs at them. I think this entertainment value alone gives me a lifelong reason to get monthly pedicures.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Lucy and Camilo

Lucy has admired how ripped golfer hottie Camilo Villegas is and after several months of baby yoga and Pilates, is perfecting her own Spiderman move.

Greased Pig Contest

Since I don't even bother to try and control Lucy at Pilates, she usually ends up licking the wood floor (seriously) so a bath is required after class. Because of Lucy's eczema, after the bath she needs to be greased to the hilt with a combo of Aquaphor, Aclovate, Cetaphil and hydrocortisone. As if trying to change her diaper isn't already hard enough due to the fact that she must be on her tummy at all times, just imagine it when she's oily. It's just a joke! She tries with all her might to turn to see whatever's on the left (as pictured here). During a changing, I usually have to turn her back over about 10 times. The good news is it tires her out. Last night she slept 7:30 pm till 5 am!!

Nursing Chair

I captured Lucy in our favorite chair. We have spent so many hours in here I needed to make sure we always remember it! It was the best purchase (thanks to Emma for the rec!). I also like that she's sporting a double chin in the pic. Also, Lucy learned the plank in Pilates today. She's pretty good at it :)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


This is Lucy's new sound. She makes it all the time. I liken it to a dying cow's whine. She just likes the sound of her own voice. Oh boy, just what we need, another loudmouth in the family! I think Lucy and I were both tired of each other this morning, so this look captures our mutual annoyance!! Please tell me sometimes your kids annoy you as well and I am not alone :)

Monday, May 5, 2008

New Toy

Lucy did not have enough toys so she found this one.