Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Friday

Today we met Stacey and Michelle at Best Buns for coffee and a snack. Then Stacey and I got pedis while Lucy slept in her stroller. I love having friends with flexible jobs! We are making this Friday get together a regular thing. We enjoyed the warmer weather but are preparing for the cold again this weekend. Why can't spring be here already?? OH! We had a breakthrough on the sleeping front last night. Which means tonight she'll likely be up 4 times. Bed at 7:30 after nursing and 4 oz of formula, then mild squaking at 10:30 which I tried to ignore, then she was back to sleep until I had to wake her at 3:15 to nurse because....well anyone who's nursed knows about getting woken up with the pain!! Then slept till 6:30 which felt like noon to me:) I am going to work on getting her to sleep through that first awakening and hope my body will adjust to that schedule quickly.

1 comment:

HenJen said...

AAAAAHHH. The perks of the SAHM. Few and far between, but if you look, you can find them! Glad that you are. How cooperative of Lucy to sleep while you got your toes done. Good Lucy!