Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Jud had a great b-day today Lucy woke singing him Happy Birthday at 5:07 a.m.! Then on my way back from Harris Teeter at 6:15 a.m. I discovered the little car had a flat he and Lucy came to rescue me. Finally, hours later and after a broken wrench, trip to Merchant's to get their wrench, with the help of the USAA guy we got the spare on, etc. We had G & L, the twins and Grandparent Allens over for breakfast (after another trip to HT for more bacon) and then did yard work and headed to the park! You'd think it should be dinner time by now. But it was only 3:00! After that everyone was pretty tired, but we had a quick outing to Dick's for new golf gear for Jud and take-out sushi and one Dos Equis for dinner. Contrast that with the first b-day party I threw for Jud 6 years ago at Brass Monkey in Adams Morgan (I really need to scan a pic of Jud from that night for posterity). And so we can show Lucy what happens when you drink 30 beers in one night. We love you daddy-Jud for all you do for your GIRLS!!


Pound said...

Happy Birthday Uncle Judson!

love Colton & Sulley

Kris said...

Happy Birthday Jud!!!!

Stacey Faye said...

Happy b-day, Jud! I'd offer to buy you the cheapest bottle of champagne on the market, but I'm going to go a step farther and just bring you a warm Bud Lite next time I come over.

elliebelly said...

Happy B-day Jud. ;o)