Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Brunch with Santa @ BHCC

Lucy's able to keep her girlish figure because she eats the equivalent of three strawberries for breakfast. Lucy's now keeping her distance from all Santas.....so no more pics. In the 2nd shot, she is performing one of her tricks, squinting. She squints when you ask her to. It's kind of a random thing for her to understand, but it's hilarious! And eating while standing is much preferred to sitting, ever. 


Unknown said...

She looks like such a little devil diva in her grown up dress with her squinty eyes. adorabelle

Betsy said...

haha!! Love the squint. She looks quite mischievous.

Kris said...

I love all her little dresses - I hope Emme can borrow a couple come day.

Meg said...

Her expression is too funny...she's like "I dare you to try and make me eat this!"