Saturday, November 21, 2009

Happy 6 Weeks!

Judson is 6 weeks old today. Time has flown....he's eating great, still spitting up a fair amount but weighs about 10.2 or 10.4 lbs. Sleeping each night from 830 till 2 or 3, then usually up for the day about 630 or 7. He is also learning to take a long nap when Lucy does. Here's to hoping we can continue that!! We love you little man and thanks for putting up with your pest of a big sister!


Unknown said...

He's looking so alert and getting chubbier cheeks by the moment. Good work, Ingrid!

Tara said...

wow, 6 weeks already?! what a cutie! glad to hear he's sleeping pretty decent stretches. i didn't get that until 6 months!

Unknown said...

my chubtub of love boy mmmm can't wait to see you presented on the T giving platter ala Lucy 2 y ago