Monday, June 8, 2009

Not That Innocent

Lucy looks like quite the innocent cherub in this picture but she had just found a permanent marker we were using to label boxes and gave herself a small goatee and beauty mark. I scrubbed most of it off much to her dismay! We have been packing maniacs (how have we accumulated so much stuff in 6 years!??) getting ready for the movers on June 19th. Thanks to Granny Judi for taking Lucy off my hands for 3 days so I could get some more packing done without having to worry about Lucy pulling something down on herself, putting a screwdriver in the socket, etc.


Jenni said...

Ingrid, I wish you would have gotten a picture of Lucy WITH the goatee and beauty mark! :)

Stacey Faye said...

She's definitely getting a pose down for the camera. Smart kid!

Unknown said...

this one is perfect for my late mother's day gift for my photo montage of you and me and Luce