Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fun on Kitchen Floor, circa 6 am

Head Shots

Lucy loves to pose, and Judson is just so cute I want to eat him with a spoon

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Big Banana Boy

Judson had his first taste of bananas this week and LOVED them. I mean he almost took my arm off trying to get more. He barely drooled a drop and had no trouble at all with the spoon. Go Judson!

Bribery is Not Working

Our Cuties

I promise, they do make it out of their jammies sometimes.

March...Here we Come!

Lucy's first project since she's been back at school, in like a lion and out like a lamb!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Blanket Head

Now that Judson is out of the swaddle, he needs to have sometime warm and fuzzy to snuggle up into and THANK YOU ASHLEY for sending us the Breathable Baby blanket. It is great because you don't have to worry that he can't breathe under it. Yay baby Jud! ZZZZZ

Erie Boyz

Judson and Drew Zdaniewski (Judson is 6 weeks older) met for the first time and it looks like they are figuring out world peace. It was so great to meet the adorable little guy. Congrats again to Andrea and John. Can't wait for some fun playtime in the Erie summers!

More Florida Fun

We had a great trip! Judson grew out of most of the clothes we arrived with and Lucy's big event was one poop on the potty. But once was enough, apparently. She refused to ever go again! So frustrating. Oh well. Judson is now rolling from back to front and front to back and loves being held ALL THE TIME. He is almost 15 lbs so I can't wear him in the Bjorn much longer! He also grduated from the swaddle and has (for one night and one naptime) fallen asleep on his own. For the first night (March 1st) he cried for one hour while we "visited" him every 5 and then 10 minutes. Then he woke up once at 12:30 and went back to sleep on his own within 30 minutes. HOORAY! I believe in Dr. Ferber!